15 Job Positions of Local Revenue Collection & Inspection Officer at Musanze District (Deadline Apr 22, 2024)

Apr 13, 2024 - 10:20
15 Job Positions of Local Revenue Collection & Inspection Officer at  Musanze District (Deadline Apr 22, 2024)

15 Job Positions of Local Revenue Collection & Inspection Officer at Musanze District (Deadline Apr 22, 2024)

Apr 13, 2024 - 10:20

Exams to be conducted 1:Written 2:Oral

Job responsibilities

  • - Keep and regularly update the Sector database of taxpayers at the Sector level and their situation in regard to tax clearance;
    - Organize regular mobilization campaigns meant to educate taxpayers on tax laws and regulations;
    - Conduct regular fiscal inspection at the Sector level and enforce tax recovery and compliance measures.

  • Minimum qualifications

  • Bachelor's Degree in Economics
    0 Year of relevant experience
    Bachelor's Degree in Accounting
    0 Year of relevant experience
    Bachelor's Degree in Finance
    0 Year of relevant experience
    Bachelor's in Business Administration
    0 Year of relevant experience
    Bachelor's Degree in Financial Management and Accounting
    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Problem solving skills


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